Cisco Houston
Disques JOC 45 FS 509

Track Listing:
Side 1:
Jim Clark
I have been watching e-bay for years for Cisco goodies, and have found some wonderful items, documented elsewhere on this site. In 2009 this 45 appeared after having never been seen before. I was doubtful, as the songs were the same ones on various Woody Guthrie/Cisco Houston public domain releases, but I took an (expensive) flyer and ordered it from France. And got, well, 4 performances of that expected PD material. We wonder what anyone in France buying these in 1968 would have thought. While the name is Cisco, the voice is Woody's, with a thin harmony and accompanying guitar coming via Cisco. Even Sonny Terry is more prominent. By 1968 Cisco's name could not sell many records in the US; how did they think it would in France? Yet, the continued appearance of these LPs shows though, they did sell a few! Not my favorite material, not my favorite performances, not my favorite anything. Though at least you get 4 on this thing......

Disques JOC 45 FS 510
No Date

Track Listing:
Side 1:- Columbus Stockade
Foggy Moutain Top

Bury me Beneath The Willow Ezekiel saw The Wheel
Jim Clark
Don't have this one, but no reason to assume it is anything different.
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